So I've come to the conclusion that I need to kick my art in the ass down a new direction of sweeter and cooler shit. I've been working on sweet art projects and gathering a bunch of inspiration lately. I finally created my own art space in my new apartment (a big deal because I'm too used to living out of a backpack). I'm amassing a decent collection of paintings and flash. But there's always something better I can do with my work. There's always some way to bump it up. I just need to kick it in high gear. There are too many good tattooers and in all honesty, it keeps you on your toes. Finding inspiration is a daily must. That being said... I'm gonna be doing my very best to create work that pushes the bar for me both on skin and on paper.
Here's my little nook...

Some script I threw down on real quick the other day...

And I finally lined up Lisa's arm with the owl/lantern piece I've been wanting to do. I can't wait to get to the coloring on this little guy.